Thursday, 17 April 2014

The moderate far right and what we stand for

I am sick of having to deal with mainstream conservatives and their tepid watered-down play-it-safe bullshit on one hand, but also the radical white nationalists and their asinine one drop rule "scream Heil Hitler in public" bullshit too.

We need a forum for the dark enlightenment. Stormfront is too dominated by crazies; you go up against some of their orthodoxy (ie one drop rule) and you get flamed to high hell there. The closest we have is certain facebook pages like This is Europa where "moderate far righters" tend to congregate. Yes, that's right. We are the moderate far right.

That means we are far right, we aren't mainstream conservatives. We aren't the Stephen Harpers of this world who give lip service to social conservatism while letting in 400 000 third world immigrants from the worst countries on Earth every year. But at the same time, we are the moderate far right. That means we reject genocide as a solution, we embrace a more open view of racial nationalism that doesn't necessarily reject people for lack of "blood purity" so long as they in essence embody our people and its values. We accept the possibility that in a nation like the United States or Canada, which is more of a proposition state than an ethno-state, while the current situation with mass immigration will destroy these countries, there are some non-whites who truly embody their values and culture. Note, I mentioned new world states here; the ethno states of Europe are a completely different story, and they shouldn't accept anything less than 98% of the population being their own ethnic group (that's the Japanese number, so I figure it's a fair benchmark). What this means as Ramzpaul says is that an ideal American or Canadian right wing state may be merely 90% white; which means yes we are willing to accept non whites, in a certain number, who embrace our cause and who acknowledge that these nations were made in the image of European civilization and that there is a reason why European civilization must remain the dominant culture in order for these societies to function. We even accept the possibility of leftist style multiculturalism existing somewhere on Earth (ie blue state America, most of Latin America) just as long as whites are given our own homelands too, just as every other race has. Even the native Americans have reserves, the Jews have Israel, Africans have Africa, Asians have Asia, and they aren't having diversity shoved down their throats like we are. In the case of Norweigian girls being raped by immigrants, yes 100% of the rape there is by non-European immigrants, they are literally having diversity forcibly shoved down their throats.

We are sick of this shit too, but we aren't going to embrace solutions that involve genocide. Deportation, not genocide! New borders, new countries, not new massacres or new death camps.

We reject the one drop rule which automatically counts out 50% of the white population from joining any sort of pro-white movement. Not only that, but it is entirely based on emotion. Show me the scientific evidence that being 1/16th or 1/64th whatever severely harms the white brain! If it does then why is Italy's murder rate so low? Shouldn't Italy have a murder rate more similar to that of African or Latin American countries if the one drop rule is true? Also why do American whites have such a low murder rate when so many have a bit of Native American blood? Why are white Americans so rich, so economically successful when their blood is actually more "polluted" than most of western Europe?

I don't deny that there are problems with people claiming to be white who aren't white. For instance, certain Hispanics lying on the US census. The "white Hispanic" population on the census is clearly much higher than it actually is in real life. Latin America in general has a problem with this. But anyone with eyes can tell the difference between someone who is fundamentally white and someone who fundamentally isn't. We don't need a one drop rule for that. Even the idol of the extreme far right, Adolf Hitler, didn't believe in the one drop rule! He allowed Germans with small amounts of Jewish blood to still be considered Germans.

The one drop rule is a load of bullshit, and it is our enemies' greatest tool to use against us!

What better way to divide any pro-white movement than dividing the "pure whites" from the ones with slight amounts of non-white blood? It is the easiest way to create internal divisions and ever prevent the movement from taking off in any meaningful way. Furthermore, it is a great way to push these "impure" whites into the opposing camp. I don't blame them for feeling rejected, and if they suddenly become antifa cultural Marxists because the white nationalist movement wouldn't accept them, then you know what, the blame for that is on you, Stormfront and your ilk!

Now obviously there are certain demographics we can never win over, and are as good as lost. Trying to win over non-whites is largely fruitless unless they are Japanese living in Japan or Koreans living in Korea. But if you try and win over a non-white in the west to a plan that could potentially restrict their right to take themselves and their family to whatever western country they want, all of a sudden they're all butthurt and crying about human rights. Meanwhile Japan strictly restricts immigration on a daily basis without a peep from them. Obviously these non-whites are disingenuous when they claim it's about "human rights". No, it's about their own "right" to live in a western country and mooch off the system, and in the men's case, to be around hot white women and have sex with them. If it was actually about human rights then they'd complain about east Asian countries' restrictions on immigration too.

So there is very little point to trying to reach out to non-whites, except in areas such as men's rights. Similarly, the gay and transsexual community are pretty much a lost cause to win over to dark enlightenment principles.

However, there are certain groups we cannot give up on. Atheists. Women. Christians. And yes, the "impure blood" white people, who are about 50% or more of our race.

I myself am impure blood. There, I said it. If you have a problem with that, then go fuck yourself. I don't define myself by my 1/16th non-European side, it isn't who I am, but it's there, and I refuse to simply deny the facts. And yes, I do look totally white. My 1/16th non European blood is from that one particular non European race who look a lot like us, and identify as white when it's convenient and as a seperate race when it's convenient. For instance they will call themselves white to explain their wealth and privilege, but they'll call themselves a seperate race when it comes to the issue of intermarriage.

Anyway yes I do have blood from that particular group. The man who I'm descended from converted to Christianity so as far as I'm concerned he lost his status as part of the "chosen few" anyway, he willingly gave it up.

So, one drop rule people, look around you. Do these whites with tiny amounts of non white blood act substantially different from you? Are they the ones populating America's ghettoes, contributing to its sky high murder rate? Do they uniformly vote Democrat? Are they significantly more left wing and cultural Marxist than "pure blood" whites? Is there any real signficant distinction between "pure" and "impure" whites aside from the distinction in your head?

All it's based on is pure emotion, and stupid metaphors of "what if you have 1/16th cyanide in your water? what is an acceptable amount of posion?" that have no bearing on the reality of the situation. I've never heard a factual or scientific argument in favor of the one drop rule. If they do actually bring facts into the equation, they argue using statistics from countries where the population are clearly way beyond "a few drops" of non-white blood, where the vast majority are unequivocally non-white (ie most Latin American countries).

Face it, we have enough divisions already. Why create a further one by obsessing over trivial amounts of non-white blood in people who look white, act white and think white?

So, in essence the one drop rule is one example of many of what divides the moderate far right from the extreme far right, and why we must avoid their style of thinking, which has zero chance of ever attaining a large pool of followers or any degree whatsoever of widespread success. Also, stop it with the damn Nazi flags already! Nobody is gonna be turned on by that. Except in a strictly sexual fetish context. But otherwise just quit it already. We need new symbols that reflect our struggle today, not symbols based in 1940s Germany. Also why do we need to embrace genocide and colonialism? We need homelands but we don't need to conquer the whole world or exterminate entire races. Furthermore Hitler wasn't exactly big on Slavs, so if you call yourself a pan-white nationalist you may want to rethink the swastikas.

Anyway that's all for now.

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