Thursday 24 April 2014

A step by step guide to what we must do

1. Allow the enemy to become more abrasive

Yes, you have heard me correctly. The first step is waking the people up, and in order to be woken up, they must be shook violently from their sleep. History is a series of actions and reactions. Thesis counterthesis. The fact is, Obama's presidency is one of the best things to ever happen to white America. White America has been dying a slow death for decades now. Obama's presidency may have accelerated it, but it has also given birth to something new.

60% of white Americans voted against Obama. That is a more united demographic than ever before, I believe, or at least in the 20th century. Never before in recent history have white Americans voted so uniformly. This speaks to an increase in white unity overall. Look at the Jews--kicked out of every country, and now the most powerful race on earth today. As Obi Wan said in Star Wars, if you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Since the Holocaust, the Jews have literally multiplied exponentially in terms of their power.

Imagine if you poke and prod the sleeping dragon that is white people, how powerful it could become. The way to get a sleeping dragon to breathe fire is to awaken it. If you want white people to wake up, the persecution must increase.

Now you will say I am a hypocrite because I don't want to be personally victimized by any of this. You may be right. But then I don't need any awakening. I am fully awake from my slumber. My eyes are fucking open. So really, it isn't me who needs the rude awakening. Hopefully if any white people must suffer, it will be self-hating whites, and whites who choose to "go avatar", who will be the greatest recipients of this persecution, the canaries in the coalmines. If someone must take one for the team, bite the bullet for all of us, I'd rather it be them than us.

But hopefully all of us can be awoken.

2. Make our own media and our own educational institutions

This is crucial. No amount of bickering on web forums will amount to anything, compared to the massive impact that our own movie studios, our own TV platforms (whether online or cable or what have you), our own publication companies and most of all, our own schools and universities, would have.

This is a no-brainer. The enemy has the media and educational system firmly in their own quarters, on lockdown. It is theirs. Let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Sure, Hollywood will occasionally allow a movie like 300 or Lord of the Rings to be made, movies with obvious white nationalist parallels, but ultimately they'd never allow a movie to be made that is as in your face about its message as Avatar. Like Kevin Spacey says in Seven, we need to hit people over the head with a sledgehammer.

3. No more crazy shooters

But THIS is not what I mean by hitting people over the head with a sledgehammer. Not in the way Breivik or the Sikh temple guy did. Those people don't help our cause. They only give the media more fuel to demonize us with. No more.

4. Define our goals

We need a realistic set of goals. No "100% pure society according to the one drop rule" bullshit. No exterminating X race from the face of the earth wild schemes. And as sad as it makes me to say it, we must downsize. Whites once populated a good third of the Earth. We will be lucky if we can keep half of that land as ours.

Realistically, we don't need tons and tons of land to form our own society. We need land, yes, but do we need all of the Americas and Europe and Australia and New Zealand and South Africa and every other piece of land that has ever been white land? No, we do not.

Europe is and has always been our heart and soul. It should be our homeland, period. Non negotiable. However as far as the "new world" goes, we will need to partition of it. If we can keep ANY of it at all as white nations, we should consider ourselves lucky. We first need to give the aboriginal peoples nations of their own, real nations with significant amounts of land, to show that we are serious about the idea of every people deserving a homeland. The rest of the new world may have to be devoted to "Diversity Land".

That being said, there are certain places where white homelands may be viable. Quebec. Southern Brazil. Part of Australia; northern Queensland or Tasmania perhaps? Parts of Argentina and Uruguay. The inland west of the USA; from Montana to northern Arizona, that whole area.

But some areas will be inevitably lost. At this point can anyone ever see California as a white homeland ever again? Sadly, I doubt it.

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