Sunday, 27 April 2014

The biggest problems with white nationalism

In order of severity;

1. One drop rule

2. Christian/pagan divide and hostility amongst some toward Christianity

3. Lack of acceptance of non-European whites (ie white Middle Eastern Christians, de-Islamified white Middle Easterners/Central Asians/North Africans)

4. Eugenics (ie belief in getting rid of the disabled, aborting all babies with defects, trying to "breed out" or genetically de-select everything potentially seen as problematic ie ADHD)

5. Remorselessness toward reformed whites with previous problematic behavior

6. Over-reliance on symbolism and idolization of people and movements from the past with very bad images today (ie National Socialist Germany in particular, to a lesser degree the KKK)

7. Inability to accept compromise in terms of the lands we can realistically rule over (although I feel many are coming around on this one)

I don't have time to go into detail now, I may write a more extensive writeup on this later, but I believe these issues threaten to fragment and potentially destroy the movement more than any, especially numbers 1 and 2.

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