Thursday, 17 April 2014

My idea for partition of Canada, red areas are English Canada, blue Quebec, the rest is given to the First Nations (this is all conditional of course on Europe being restored as the white European homeland). 
Canada and quebec keep hydro dams they built though.

My friend asks, "couldnt we maintain a strip so east and west could be connected?". 

To that I say,  Western Canada may just want to become their own nation and given the way that Ottawa is so eastern Canada centric I can't blame them. Winnipeg can be the first nations capital. Canada and quebec under this arrangement wouldn't be explicitly white nations like in europe, ie they can't deport citizens but they can deport illegals and pursue whatever future immigration policy they vote for.  If natives still get special privileges in canada and quebec it must be reduced ie none for people of less than 50% native blood. Although I think under this arrangement their special privileges should be abolished entirely. The natives can choose to deport the non natives or let them stay. I believe they'd choose the latter because they like our tax dollars. Natives will probably be the majority in Saskatchewan and Manitoba in a few generations one way or another..
My friend says; " no special privilages canada for canadians, thirdworldia for the natives".

To that I say, Yeah. Natives can still choose to live here but no more special privileges. As far as the United States goes they are much more densely populated so the only areas I could see giving them would be the large native reserve regions in the four corners and in South Dakota and most of Alaska
  • Another friend asks; "wheres the area for blacks? wtf?"
  • Friend one replies; "we arent as "enricheed" in that way as you guys are"
I say, " Blacks are non native to canada. They get no state. They can stay here if they're legal citizens but we have no obligation to let in anyone else. Toronto is pretty enriched"

sidenote; I think black Americans can have their own country too in the "black belt" of the south. However America should be allowed to put a massive Israel-style wall around it. This country will be sub-third world in no time.

Friend one; "umm torontos fucked then"

Me;  Ummm if we get back Europe that is a price I'm willing to pay.
 I even gave the natives a nice warm unpopulated region of BC so they can't complain it is all super cold land.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan will probably be majority aboriginal in half a century or 70 years anyway, so better to put down the chips now when it still makes us look good to do so, rather than then when it'll look like a feeble act of desperation. Besides Winnepeg sucks, do we really even want it? It's practically an aboriginal city already. Let's be honest guys.

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